Managers’ transactions

Notification of managers and their closely associated persons’ transactions at Componenta Corporation

Componenta Corporation managers and their closely associated persons referred to in the Market Abuse Regulation ((EU) No 596/2014, ”MAR”) are requested to follow the below instructions for notifying transactions as of 3 July 2016:

Such notifications shall be made to Componenta Corporation and the FIN-FSA promptly and no later than three (3) business days after the date of the transaction! Please note that notifications to the Company must be sent at 9 am on a third business day at the latest. Failure to comply with the timeframe may result in delay sanctions against notifier and the Company.

The obligation to notify transactions applies to all transactions after a total amount of EUR 20,000 has been reached within a calendar year. This threshold is calculated by adding without netting all transactions conducted within a calendar year.

Instructions for filling the transaction notification form

  1. Please send Componenta a notice of your planned transaction in advance by e-mail to the addresses and to the company’s General Counsel and CFO.
  2. Report the transaction to the Financial Supervisory Authority by filling out the electronic form regarding management transactions via the Financial Supervisory Authority’s electronic transaction. You can log in to the electronic transaction service at General and service-specific instructions for the use of electronic transactions can be found here:

Information needed to make a notification:

Componenta Corporation’s LEI5493000SDCOXVGZDWK18
Shortnames of Componenta Corporation shareCTH1V
ISIN code of Componenta Corporation shareFI0009010110
Reference numberAutomatically generated on form (no need to fill in)

You can find model templates (in Finnish) for filling out the form from FIN-FSA’s examples.

3. Please send a copy of the notification to the Financial Supervisory Authority to the company immediately after making the transaction (pdf file downloadable in the Financial Supervisory Authority’s electronic transaction)

Do not send the form by post because of the short time frame (3 business days).
Sending to Componenta Corporation: Send a copy of the notification to the Financial Supervisory Authority as an e-mail attachment to the addresses and to the company’s General Counsel and CFO by 9 a.m. on the third working day at the latest. Please also add your phone number to the e-mail message so that we can contact you if Componenta has questions about the notification. In case of problems, contact hanna.seppanen(a) or phone +358 45 635 7416.

Componenta Corporation publishes the notice after receiving it as a stock exchange release as required by law.

Further information on the regulation concerning the notifications of managers’ and their closely associated persons’ transactions is available here.

Ownership and changes in ownership of the Board of Directors

Name Shareholding
Shareholding 31.12.2023 Shareholding
2024 *)
Harri Suutari
Total 112 266 pcs
(direct ownership 62,286, indirect ownership
49,980 pcs)
Total 112 266 pcs
(direct ownership 62,286, indirect ownership
49,980 pcs)
Total 112 266 pcs
(direct ownership 62,286, indirect ownership
49,980 pcs)
145,546 pcs (indirect ownership)
182,889 pcs (indirect ownership)
Anne Koutonen
(Vice Chairman)
0 0 0 0 0
Tomas Hedenborg 0 0 Total
5,100 pcs (indirect ownership)
5,100 pcs (indirect ownership)
Petteri Walldén 0 0 0 0 0
Lars Wrebo Total
4,000 pcs

*) Current situation
If the annual column is empty, then the person in question has not yet been a member of the board.

Ownership and changes in ownership of the Management Team

Nimi Shareholding
2024 *)
Sami Sivuranta 0 Total 3,897 pcs Total 3,897 pcs Total 3,897 pcs Total 3,897 pcs
Marko Karppinen 0 Total 5,562 pcs Total 5,562 pcs Total 5,562 pcs Total 5,562 pcs
Pasi Mäkinen Total 58 pcs Total 5,620 pcs Total 5,620 pcs Total 5,620 pcs Total 5,620 pcs
Hanna Seppälä 0 0 0 0

*) Current situation
If the annual column is empty, then the person in question has not yet been a member of the management team.