Products & services
From our several production units in Finland we can offer you casting, machining, plate cutting components, tube products, welded structures and forged blanks. And from our network, even more solutions to support your business.
With our wide technology portfolio and by working in close cooperation with you we can make the metal components that help you succeed in your business.
We have a wide range of products and services. We offer a comprehensive range of metal components manufactured using different methods, as well as subassemblies for production either from our own prefabrication or from purchased materials. We can purchase the required components ourselves or use the customer’s own supply channels if they so desire. In addition to our own production, we supplement our surface treatment offering through our subcontracting network, for example.
We have strong engineering and manufacturing expertise. We offer engineering support for casting and/or machining components. We have strong expertise in the metal industry, highly skilled personnel, a broad technology portfolio and a diverse range of machinery. We support our customers’ product design process through optimised manufacturing technology when manufacturing takes place in Componenta’s own production facilities. We are able meet to our customers’ high technical and quality requirements responsibly.
We work to be our customers’ preferred supplier, with an extensive offering and responsible operations, and their strategic partner. We offer a complete solution that makes the customer’s procurement process simpler and easier. We provide our customers with high-quality components that are ready for installation. Our services reflect Componenta’s values: openness, honesty and respect. We invest in responsibility throughout our production chain, use recycled materials as our main raw materials, and recover our production side streams for reuse.
We are quick and flexible. With our automatic foundries, we are able to produce an extensive range of cast iron grades even in smaller series sizes. We can ramp-up new products on a short schedule in all of our units if necessary. We serve flexibly and help customers solve challenges, from an individual prototype to the serial manufacturing of tens of thousands of pieces and product deliveries.
We offer the most comprehensive casting and machining services in contract manufacturing in Finland. Our foundry operations have a history of more than 200 years, and we have around 100 years of experience in machining production. Our long production history brings experience and reliability. We also have extensive subcontracting networks for our customers’ needs.
Our highly trained professionals support you through the design and engineering phase all the way to manufacturing and delivery. To learn more about what Componenta can offer you, contact our Sales team.